Workshop: Creative & Explicit Teaching of Language, Literacy and Literature
Sally Humphrey
In a dynamic and informative presentation Sally Humphries explored how to address the 3 AusVELS strands of Language, Literacy and Literature for EAL students.
An essential breakdown looked at numerous ways to explore narrative reading and writing through poetry including:
- Poetry as one of many narrative types
- Sentence starters that reveal which narrative type is to be predicted
- Narrative worlds and the characters, events, settings and vocabulary within
- Whole text analysis looking at the typical narrative structure of orientation, complication, climax, resolution and coda
- Internal rhythms and structures Identification of actions, reactions and interactions Identification of noun and verb groups and adverbial phrases
- Cultural readings of vocabulary and text types
There was so much more but this gives you an idea of the richness of Sally’s presentation. We give an enormous thank you to her for all her enthusiasm. Her notes can be found on the links below.
Written by April Edwards
EAL Coordinator EAL and English Teacher
Presentation Slides