TESOL in Context

ACTA publishes one of only two Australian refereed TESOL journals. A subscription to this journal is included as part of VicTESOL membership. To read the latest summary of contents go to ACTA’s home page.

Australian Council of TESOL Associations

Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) is the national coordinating body representing all Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. It aims to promote and strengthen English whilst supporting people’s linguistic and cultural heritage. ACTA’s objectives are to:

  • Represent and support the interests of teachers of English to speakers of other languages and dialects and their students
  • Ensure access to appropriate English language instruction to speakers of other languages and dialects
  • Encourage the implementation and delivery of quality professional development programs
  • Promote the study, research and development of TESOL at state, national and international levels. To this end, in even-numbered years, ACTA convenes an international conference.

The ACTA Council comprises representatives from each of the eight Australian states and territories. VicTESOL is currently eligible to have 3 representatives on this council. Quarterly meetings are convened by teleconference with ongoing work conducted through working groups that communicate via email.