Kellie Heintz, EAL Curriculum Manager, VCAA
Tuesday 8 June, 4:00-5:00pm
Free webinar
With the proposed changes to the VCE English/EAL study design now available for consultation, join Kellie Heintz, the EAL Curriculum Manager at the VCAA, as she presents an overview of the draft with a particular focus on the EAL curriculum. She will introduce and discuss the big questions that underpinned the major review, the EAL principles that informed curriculum development, as well as the structure, outcomes and assessment proposed in the revised study.
Kellie Heintz is currently employed as the EAL Curriculum Manager at the VCAA. Prior to this, she was a lecturer in language and literacy education at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, where she trained pre-service secondary English teachers. She also worked at VATE, was an educational adviser with the Teach for Australia program, and taught VCE English and EAL in the Catholic sector for 20 years.
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