Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC)

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The Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC) is a Department of Education and Training specialised library for teachers.  LMERC provides resources in the areas of English as an Additional Language (EAL), Languages other than English, Intercultural Capability; and the cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Sustainability.

The library holds an extensive collection of over 30,000 resources in all formats for educators across all sectors and at all levels, early childhood to adult.

A video was produced recently providing a snapshot of the library from the point of view of teachers and pre service teachers who use LMERC. The video looks at the range of the collection,  how teachers and pre-service teachers access and use the resources and the library services available.

Library membership is available free to teachers from all educational settings: schools across all sectors, university pre-service teachers and lecturers (in the areas of EAL and languages), homework clubs and community language schools. 

Please visit the LMERC library homepage.

 Further information is available on the DET website.

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