Invitation for VicTESOL / ACTA members: Online Communities of Practice *STARTS THIS WEEK*

Thursdays: 29 July, 2 September, 21 October & 25 November, 2021
All sessions 4:00-5:00pm AEST
Online and Free

For members of VicTESOL (and other state & territory TESOL associations affiliated with ACTA), we are offering an online space for EAL/TESOL educators to meet and share practice. You will have the chance to collaborate with other teachers outside of your school/institution, potentially discovering new ways of doing things, and sharing your expertise with others.

In 2021, we are offering the following streams:

  • Primary (F-6)
  • Secondary (7-10)
  • Adult TESOL

The intention of these sessions is for you and your peers to decide on the focus of your discussions. VicTESOL may initially provide a facilitator where available but the aim is for members to take on board how they’d like to use the time most productively.

We hope to see you there!


Note: We ask that participants commit attend all four dates if possible.