The new EAL Framework Curriculum – Adult sector

VicTESOL Symposium 2023.
Friday 13th October, 2023, The Academy of Teaching and Leadership

Presenter: Nadia Casarotto (Victoria University), Margaret Corrigan (Carringbush Adult Education), Angela DiSciascio (Gordon Institute of TAFE)


In “The New EAL Framework Curriculum” session participants learnt about the new Victorian EAL Framework curriculum and how to apply it to their teaching.

Nadia Casarotto, the Curriculum Maintenance Manager, presented a comprehensive overview of the curriculum, emphasizing significant modifications from the current version.

Subsequently, Angela Di Sciascio delved into a detailed analysis of a unit of competency from Certificate II EAL (Access), elucidating the methodical process of unpacking such units. Angela also provided insights into the pertinent sections of the revamped unit structure tailored for educators, along with practical suggestions on seamlessly incorporating units, skills, and knowledge into assessment practices.


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