Metacognition and EAL Teaching
September 17 from 4:30 pm – 5:30 p
In this online presentation, Dr Lilly Yazdanpanah discussed the importance of metacognitive thinking for both EAL teachers and students. Dr Yazdanpanah provided participants with a clear definition of both cognition and metacognition and spoke of the benefits to teachers who make space in their teaching, to engage in the reflective practice of systemically considering how their students best learn. Through metacognitive thinking, teachers can become more intentional in their practice, and foster a deeper understanding of their students’ learning experiences.
Additionally, Dr Yazdanpanah emphasized the benefits of teaching metacognitive strategies to students and modelling reflective thinking in the classroom. By demonstrating how to think about their own learning, teachers can guide students to plan for, monitor and evaluate their learning. During the session, practical examples were shared to illustrate these strategies in action. Through explicitly supporting EAL students to consider the ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘when’ of their learning, Dr Yazdanpanah demonstrated that EAL students can become more empowered learners.