VicTESOL Membership Options

Join VicTESOL for 2024 now!

2024 VicTESOL Memberships cover the period from 1/1/2024 until 31/3/2025.

Automatic renewal options are now available.

Benefits of Joining VicTESOL

Annual Membership of VicTESOL includes:

    • Members’ rates for TESOL specific professional development sessions and state and national TESOL conferences.
    • Access to the member section of the VicTESOL website.
    • Monthly VicTESOL eBULLETIN containing news and events relating to TESOL and multicultural education.


Please note that membership is not automatic and is subject to the approval of the Committee – see VicTESOL Constitution here. If your application is unsuccessful, you will receive a refund of any money paid.

For more information, please contact VicTESOL.