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[Sticky] Introduction to VCE EAL Bridging English

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VicTESOL Association Officer Admin
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 16
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The new VCE Bridging English as an Additional Language course has been implemented to support New Arrival students who are entering their senior years of secondary school with some limitations in their English language skills. With a growing numbers of such students entering VCE, VET and VCAL English courses, the VCAA introduced this course as a way of supplementing the VCE EAL units whilst supporting students who plan to go either into the workforce or undertake further studies. 

Units 1 & 2 of the VCE Bridging EAL course can be taught at both years 10 and 11 and are suitable for a variety of levels of EAL learners. The course itself can be tailored to suit the needs of your students and their learning pathways by focussing on their immediate language needs. 

The purpose of this forum is to support teachers who are teaching the Bridging English course in their schools or who may be considering implementing it. We aim to provide select support materials, which may be utilised in the classroom or with colleagues.
