Teaching Young Children English in Multilingual Contexts (TYCEMC)

Teaching EAL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (Foundation – Yr. 4)

Facilitator: Margaret Nutbean

Developed by Lexis Education

Many mainstream teachers are now primarily responsible for their EAL students’ English language development and academic instruction. Teachers need feel confident and empowered to meet all their students’ needs in their classroom knowing that EAL instructional strategies are good for all their students.

Teaching young children in English in multilingual contexts (TYCEMC) is one of a suite of professional development programs for teachers developed by Lexis Education (https://lexised.com/) to support them in the implementation of pedagogically sound teaching practices that create innovative, engaging and ultimately successful learning environments. This course is organised into seven modules, designed to support EAL teachers and mainstream teachers with EAL students in their classroom.

It is relevant for all EAL and mainstream teachers/leaders working with young EAL students in Foundation to Years 4 who are learning through a language that is not the primary language/s. The course materials present strategies and discuss issues supported by professional readings addressing the fundamental relationship between language and learning.

The course will:

  • provide teachers with an opportunity to engage in rigorous and sustained professional development
  • develop teachers understanding of the support needed for those young learners for whom English is an Additional Language to be successful learners
  • provide all teachers with successful strategies for effective teaching and learning across the curriculum with a key focus on supporting teachers with implementing procedural, narrative and explanation texts into their classrooms practice. This will lead to learning improvements for all students, with successful strategies for improving the learning achievements of all their EAL students
  • promote whole school approaches to the teaching of EAL students in the mainstream classroom.


Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership,
603-615 Queensberry St,
North Melbourne, Victoria 3051​​​​


FULL COST per participant which includes the cost of the participant’s manual ($179.00) and catering-  $1400


Margaret Nutbean has over 39 years teaching and leadership experience supporting EAL/D students and their teachers. Her roles have included Co-ordinator – EAL/New Arrivals Program and a Literacy Educator with the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, EAL/New Arrivals teacher and Coordinator, Literacy Leader and classroom teacher. She recently completed a Masters of Education, with a focus on the EAL learner, and lectured in ‘The Professional Certificate in EAL’ at Melbourne University. Margaret is currently working as an independent EAL Consultant alongside classroom teachers/leaders as a mentor and facilitating Professional Learning sessions/courses to support them with EAL/New Arrival/ Refugee students in mainstream classrooms. She has also facilitated the ‘Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (Yr. 3-Yr 9)’ course in Primary and Secondary schools for the past nine years and more recently the ‘Teaching Young Children in Multilingual Contexts (Foundation -Yr. 4)’ course. Margaret has presented at a number of VicTESOL and ALEA Conferences over the years and has written units of work, alongside mainstream teachers, for the recently published TEAL Website (Tools to Enhance Literacy Assessment for Teachers of English As an Additional Language).

Term 1
Thursday 20 Feb 2020
Module 1
Module 2
9.00am – 4.00pm
Term 1
Thursday 5 March 2020
Module 3 Part 14.45 – 8.00pm
Getting active with language
Term 3
Thursday 6 August 2020
Getting active with language
Term 3
Thursday 27 August 2020
Understanding stories
Part 1 & 2: Learning the language of stories
Term 3
Thursday 3 September 2020
Understanding stories
Part 1 & 2: Learning the language of stories
Term 3
Thursday 10 September 2020
Understanding stories
Part 1 & 2: Learning the language of stories
Term 4
Thursday 5 November 2020
Part 1 & 2: Learning to explain how things happen or are done
Term 4
Thursday 12 November 2020
Part 1 & 2: Learning to explain how things happen or are done
Term 4
Thursday 10 December 2020
TBCSubmitAll work requirements due


A trained TYCEMC tutor will deliver 21 hours of face to face learning within seven modules, when combined with between module activities, is equivalent to 40 hours of professional development.

Teachers showing interest in the course would need to be aware of the between module work requirements & attendance expectation required to gain a Certificate in this course. The work requirements are very practical but the course does require participant’s commitment to trialling strategies in their classrooms & engaging with reflective writing practices.


MODULE 1- Meaning making in multilingual contexts

  • Exploring different ways of making meaning
  • Learning how we learn to make meaning through language
  • A lesson in language learning

MODULE 2- Scaffolding learners

  • Being introduced to an explicit teaching and learning cycle
  • Exploring macro-scaffolding
  • Exploring meso-scaffolding

MODULE 3: PART 1/PART 2- Getting active with language

  • Working with the patterns in the structure of procedures
  • Identifying the structure through comparison
  • Working with the patterns in the language of procedure
  • Designing activities for the classroom

MODULE 4- Understanding stories

  • Working with stories
  • Exploring stories using a macro scaffold
  • The purpose and content of stories
  • Developing children’s understanding of the structure of stories
  • Working and playing with the content of stories

MODULE 5: PART 1/PART 2- Learning the language of stories

Developing the language for expressing content through:

  • working with place and time
  • pointing to, quantifying, describing, classifying and specifying things
  • the process of doing, sensing, saying and relating
  • concentrating content in processes
  • the language of evaluation.

MODULE 6- PART 1/PART 2- Learning to explain how things happen or are done

Making sense of an experiment through:

  • doing and recounting an experiment
  • discussing, predicting and generalising from the experiment results
  • learning to explain how things happen or are done.

The language patterns that allow us to explain:

  • making text flow well
  • working with active and passive voice.

MODULE 7- Planning for meaning-making success

Bringing it altogether by:

  • reflecting on the course content
  • planning a program of work
  • presenting a program to colleagues.

Some Testimonials

Thoroughly enjoyed this course and learnt so much! Very practical ideas and strategies that can easily be applied to my year level. Definitely one of the best PD’s I have ever attended. I feel so much more confident in my ability as a teacher of Literacy and have already noticed excellent growth in my students’ learning as a result of what I have been able to implement so far. Margaret was an excellent presenter and facilitator. Her high level of experience and knowledge was obvious. She was engaging to listen to, went above and beyond in answering questions and provided so much support. The workshops were well balanced and practical. I understood the content better as she used practical examples. (Emily- Eastwood Primary School, Ringwood East. Foundation teacher. 2019)


I have truly felt so much professional growth by participating in this course and would recommend all teachers to do it! I was able to implement the very practical strategies for all students into my classroom straight away, including my non EAL students. My engagement has been really high and I have been excited to do the BMA’s because I can see the very clear links to teaching practice-It is practical!!!’ (Andrea- Sacred Heart, St Albans. Yr.1/2 teacher. 2017)


‘I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It has had the biggest impact on my teaching and coaching skills out of all the PD’s and personal research I have done. I am now able to confidently scaffold students at the three levels. I can confidently plan a teaching and learning cycle which supports every child in my classes. This is therefore invaluable to my students. I am now supportive of the teachers in planning teaching and learning cycles which benefits the whole school I have already recommended this course to several other people. Margaret was an excellent presenter. She is clear, passionate and encouraged my need to continually connect my new learning to what I was already implementing. She also made the course fun! Thank you, Margaret, for making such a positive impact on my teaching.’ (Jess- Carlisle Primary School, Cranbourne. Foundation Literacy Coach and Mentor, EAL and literacy support. 2019)


‘I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the course. Participating in the course has had a much bigger impact on my teaching in EAL than I expected. The content was extremely well thought out. It was easy to understand and practical. There have been many aspects of the content that I have been able to apply to my planning and teaching. The things I have learnt will allow me to address the specific language needs of my students with greater confidence. Margaret has been the key component to my enjoyment and learning in the course. She bought extensive EAL knowledge and experience to each module. The thing I appreciated the most were her thoughtful and relevant comments on my Between Module Activities. I have been inspired by Margaret to pursue post graduate study in EAL.’ (Susan- Craigieburn Primary School. Yr. 3-6 EAL teacher. 2019)


‘I enjoyed the course and as one of my goals was to involve myself in further education with a view to further study it was a good taste. It also made an impact on my teaching, familiarised me with the Teaching and Learning Cycle and the structure of writing. A lasting impact!  (Meg- Christ the Priest, Caroline Springs. Year 4 teacher. 2018)


‘Very enjoyable. This course was relevant to my every need in teaching EAL students in small groups. The content was amazing. The Teaching and Learning Cycle put a name and structure to some of the things I was already doing. The number of real-life teaching examples provided by the course and Margaret were so valuable. My students are already seeing the benefit with a procedure unit completed, with great success. Having taught EAL for two years and feeling a little lost this course really assisted me to modify the approach to get better results from the students and for the school.’ (Cathy- Kurunjang Primary School, Melton. Yr. 3-6 EAL teacher. 2019)

‘One of the best, most practical courses I have completed. It has made me re-evaluate some of the ways I teach and to improve my planning and delivery. An in-depth course that gives lots of background and practical ideas to enhance/improve teaching of the 3 genres (procedural, narrative and explanation texts). Great balance between resources given and developing our own. Margaret was engaging, experienced, enthusiastic and gives great feedback. I’d love to do more courses like this.’ (Clare- Roxburgh Homestead Primary School, Roxburgh Park. EAL teacher. 2019)


‘All of the content in this course was highly valuable and the professional learning I have gained will have a lasting effect on the way in which I approach my EAL planning and teaching of EAL students. The time I spent attending the sessions and completing the BMA’s has been extremely valuable. I believe my teaching skills have advanced greatly and I expect that this will improve the learning outcomes of my EAL students. Given the opportunity to provide professional learning to the staff, I believe that my attendance at the course will also prove valuable for the school.’ (Fiona- Eastwood Primary School, Ringwood East. Yr. 3-6 EAL teacher. 2019)


‘I absolutely loved this course. I needed to improve my own knowledge and understanding and I feel I have successfully achieved that. I now plan my lessons differently and much more effectively. I have already implemented many of the concepts covered while trialling lessons with my EAL students. These new approaches will greatly assist my students. The between module activities were great as they allowed us to further explore the concepts covered in the modules and then apply them in our classroom. Margaret’s delivery was excellent. She provided amazing and detailed feedback. Her sessions were very informative and she was very approachable, particularly via email between sessions.’ (Brooke- The Knox School, Wantirna. Foundation-Yr. 6 EAL teacher. 2019)