Using Multimedia in the Adult TESOL Classroom

Tuesday March 30, 4:30-6:00 pm

Online Event

VicTESOL held an afternoon of sharing on the topic of multimedia use in the adult TESOL classroom. The session began with three teachers sharing how they use multimedia in their practice.

Fiona Norquay from Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre demonstrated how she uses ABC’s ‘90 second news’ program with intermediate level students. Angela Fourtounis from RMIT shared her knowledge of useful apps for learning – Padlet and Mentimeter. And Fran Conron from The Gordon showed how she uses Tropfest videos in the classroom.

We then broke into small groups to discuss and share ideas for how multimedia can support and enhance the learning of Adult EAL learners.

Resources from the session

Fran Conran – Using TropFest Films in the classroom

Download (PDF, 236KB)

Download (DOCX, 37KB)

Fiona Norquay – 90 Second ABC News

Download (DOCX, 16KB)

Angela Fourtounis

Angela spoke about two apps she uses in the classroom. Here are the links.

Padlet – and

Mentimeter –