Victorian Curriculum F–10: English as an Additional Language consultation

VicTESOL is in the process of drafting an EAL Curriculum consultation response. If interested in providing feedback to VicTESOL on the proposed EAL Curriculum for its consultation response please email to   by Wed June 13th.

Principals/Directors, Generalist primary and secondary teachers (Foundation to Year 10), English Language School Teachers, Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) teachers and School leadership teams

Main points

A new English as an Additional Language (EAL) curriculum is due to be released in August 2018.

To support the release of this new curriculum, the VCAA is seeking feedback from schools, learning centres and other stakeholder bodies and organisations that have students with learning needs associated with EAL.

The consultation package will include the proposed:

  • rationale and aims
  • structure
  • content descriptions and achievement standards.

It will also include an outline of the additional materials and implementation support to be offered by the VCAA.

The consultation is an opportunity to give feedback and ensure the necessary information and support is provided for familiarisation and implementation.

Subject to sectoral agreement, implementation in Victorian government and Catholic schools will occur in 2020. Schools would have the option to implement in 2019. The same process has been followed for the implementation of all other areas of the Victorian Curriculum.

Action required

Principals/Directors should:

  • consider whether they wish to respond to the consultation (schools, learning centres and other stakeholder bodies and organisations may elect to provide a single response).

Critical dates

Friday 1 June 2018 – consultation opens

Friday 15 June 2018 – consultation closes

Additional information

The full suite of consultation documents will be available on Friday 1 June 2018 on the EAL webpage.