These resources have been created as scaffolding tasks to support initial comprehension through to critical analysis via collaborative meaning-making activities for Units 1 and 3, Outcome 1. Students are encouraged to use both English and their common home language to complete these tasks. It is important to note that these documents are not stand alone supports – they should be used in conjunction with a synopsis, extensive discussion about visuals relating to the time and place as well as a range of graphic organisers and models to scaffold writing. However, the nature of the tasks can be adapted for multiple year levels and cohorts when analysing novels, films or plays that are considered challenging for your EAL/D or low SES and multiculturally diverse learners.  

Resources contributed by April Edwards.

Burial Rites Quiz

Download (DOCX, 21KB)

Class Reading Grid

Download (DOCX, 20KB)

Group Reading Task Example 1

Download (DOCX, 17KB)

Group Reading Task Example 2

Download (DOCX, 20KB)

Theme Task

Download (DOCX, 15KB)

Character Quotes Task

Download (DOCX, 18KB)

Symbolism Task (Class generated)

Download (DOCX, 16KB)

Pre and Post Reading Task

Download (DOCX, 17KB)

Discussion Questions

What questions emerged from the presentation for you?

What might it look like to promote learner agency in the TESOL classroom?

To what extent do you think it matters what kind of motivational orientation learners have?

Tuesday March 30, 4:30-6:00 pm

Online Event

VicTESOL held an afternoon of sharing on the topic of multimedia use in the adult TESOL classroom. The session began with three teachers sharing how they use multimedia in their practice.

Fiona Norquay from Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre demonstrated how she uses ABC’s ‘90 second news’ program with intermediate level students. Angela Fourtounis from RMIT shared her knowledge of useful apps for learning – Padlet and Mentimeter. And Fran Conron from The Gordon showed how she uses Tropfest videos in the classroom.

We then broke into small groups to discuss and share ideas for how multimedia can support and enhance the learning of Adult EAL learners.

Resources from the session

Fran Conran – Using TropFest Films in the classroom

Download (PDF, 236KB)

Download (DOCX, 37KB)

Fiona Norquay – 90 Second ABC News

Download (DOCX, 16KB)

Angela Fourtounis

Angela spoke about two apps she uses in the classroom. Here are the links.

Padlet – and

Mentimeter –

Jenny Robins

Thursday 4 March 2021, 4-5:30 pm (AEDT)

Online Event

Jenny Robins began as a volunteer in 2011, then became a qualified teacher, working with adult migrants, people from refugee backgrounds and people seeking asylum to help them improve their English.

In 2017 Jenny decided to improve her skills and enrolled in a Masters of Learning Intervention in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne. She has found this invaluable as the course’s students are encouraged to tailor the subjects’ assignments to their context and needs and those of their students. Jenny currently works at Yarraville Community Centre.

In her Masters’ literacy subject students had to design, implement and report on an intervention with their students. Jenny chose to help her students with their spelling, and this presentation describes the intervention she designed and delivered. The intervention’s activities revolved around the multiple ways long vowels can be spelt, but its main focus was on teaching the students spelling strategies which they could apply later.

Jenny presented on her experience with teaching adults, however the session was open to teachers from all sectors and the ideas in the session are transferable and applicable to all age groups.

Recording of the presentation

Presentation Documents

Download (PDF, 676KB)

Useful Resources

These are some resources recommended by the presenter and some participants during the session. Some of these resources are freely available, and some can be accessed through university libraries. Often Alumni can access their university’s library for a small fee each year.

Annesley, M. (2009). Sounds Right Looks Right. South Australia: TAFE SA.

Bear, D., Invernizzi, M., Templeton, S., & Johnston, F. (2016). Words their way. Word study for phonics, vocabulary, and spelling instruction. (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Wardle, J. (2017). Sound spelling workbook: a teacher resource to support the writing skills of adult LLN learners. Melbourne: AMES.

Reading Rockets, (n.d). How spelling supports reading. Retrieved from

Australian spelling

Henderson, C.  (1994). The Sound Way to Spelling, Writing and Reading.

American Spelling

Spalding, Romelda. (2003). The writing road to reading : the Spalding method for teaching speech, spelling, writing, and reading. New York: Harper Resource


Jane Passey’s Cued articulation.  I use this video for her gestures:

Achren, L. & William, A. (2006). Teaching Issues 8: Fact sheet – learners with low literacy in the AMEP. Sydney: Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre, Macquarie University. Retrieved from:


Power, M. (2008). Passages to English 1. Fitzroy: The Bookery.

Power, M. (2008). Passages to English 2. Fitzroy: The Bookery.

Power, M. (2013). Passages to English 3. Fitzroy: The Bookery.

Reading Rockets, n.d. How spelling supports reading. Retrieved from:

Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre (adult learners)

  • Fact Sheets
  • Prospect (journal)
  • Conferences
  • Professional Development Resources including ebooks that includes Teachers’ Voices – 8 volumes of action research project reports 1995 – 2005

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

Small group discussion questions:

  1. What are your experiences – good and bad – delivering online learning to your EAL Learners?
  2. What technology (ie, devices, platforms) and activities do you find are the most effective for your learners to improve their English language and digital literacy skills?
  3. How do you support your learners to learn and apply the digital literacy skills necessary for engaging in online learning?
  4. Will the long COVID restrictions and the consequent emergence of online learning permanently change the way you plan and deliver your EAL programs into the future?

Jacky Springall
Tuesday 10 November 2020, 4:00-5:30pm AEDT
Online Workshop

This practical workshop was based on the premise that EAL teachers need to be pro-active in integrating a focus on pronunciation at all levels of teaching with the main goal of instruction being achieving intelligibility.  The session gave a brief overview of the different components of pronunciation that students need to master to both make sense of what they hear and to be understood when they speak, and then provided some ideas for the adult EAL classroom which relate to larger units of speech (suprasegmental elements) primarily stress, rhythm and intonation.  Most of these activities can be adapted to any level or context. Jacky’s presentation was followed by Q&A and small group discussions.

Jacky Springall has spent most of her EAL career working with new adult migrants and refugees in the Adult Migrant English Program.  This has included classroom teaching, curriculum and professional development roles and coordination of delivery programs. One of her enduring interests has been the integration of pronunciation teaching in everyday EAL programs and its significance for the acquisition of oral language skills.  Jacky was involved in several collaborations on teaching pronunciation with Dr. Lynda Yates in the golden days of the AMEP Research Centre resulting in Teaching Pronunciation fact sheets and a professional development kit for assessing intelligibility. Jacky is currently working for Box Hill Institute coordinating the AMEP and SEE programs at Lilydale and Ringwood.

Download (PDF, 2.69MB)


In the breakout groups, the participants discussed:

When teaching pronunciation how do you cater for students from different linguistic backgrounds in terms of addressing their different needs and issues?


What model of English do you select when presenting oral texts for pronunciation activities?