Congratulations to the 2019 VicTESOL Research Grant recipients

The successful applicants for the 2019 VicTESOL Research Grant are Dr Anna Filipi, Prof Amanda Berry and Dr Minh Hue Nguyen from Monash University and Amy Kerwick and Sue Parlanti from Westall Secondary College, for their project on elucidating practices that assist EAL learners to acquire specialised science vocabulary.

Research Team Members: Dr Anna Filipi, Prof Amanda Berry, Dr Minh Hue Nguyen, Amy Kerwick & Sue Parlanti

Elucidating practices that assist EAL learners to acquire specialised science vocabulary

Project Outline: This project will extend an existing study with a science and an EAL teacher at Westall Secondary College. The project aims to investigate and document how these teachers interpret and utilise the Victorian Curriculum (VC) Science 7-10 and the New Victorian EAL Curriculum 2020 to support EAL students’ development of critical scientific understandings required in order to progress through both the science achievement standards and the EAL standards. The importance of this project lies in its timeliness as it seeks to provide empirical data for the revised EAL curriculum. Additionally, findings from the study can inform the design of pedagogical practices based on the relevant VC frameworks to show how the VC Science Curriculum can be aligned with the New Victorian EAL Curriculum. This could serve as a model for other curriculum areas.

Click here for further information about the VicTESOL Research Grant.

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