NGV Learn & VicTESOL: Colony to Nation – Bridging the Gap for EAL Learners

Colony to Nation – Bridging the Gap for EAL Learners

Presented by NGV Learn and VicTESOL

Thursday 22 July 2021

Explore the new suite of Colony to Nation resources for English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners. Featuring practical EAL teaching strategies, they are flexibly designed to develop your confidence in engaging students with Australian history through works in the NGV Collection. Apply your knowledge to further adapt Colony to Nation content for a more accessible and enriching teaching and learning program.

This professional learning program was designed for EAL and classroom teachers delivering the Level 5-6 History curriculum in Victorian schools and/or using the Colony to Nation resources. The content was also relevant to teachers of EAL learners in other year levels keen to develop EAL teaching strategies and techniques.

Presented by specialists from Blackburn English Language School and NGV Educators in collaboration with VicTESOL.

Learning objectives

  • Outline key components of the Colony to Nation resources.
  • Develop practical EAL teaching strategies to engage students with artworks in the NGV Collection before, during and after visiting the gallery.
  • Collaborate and share ideas to further adapt the content in the Colony to Nation resources to support the needs of EAL learners.

We encourage you to access and familiarise yourself with the Colony to Nation resources that were explored during the program. The original resources, along with the EAL adaptations, can be found here:

Participants can also access upcoming NGV teacher and student programs and events here:

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