Renew your VicTESOL Membership for 2019

Thank you to everyone who has been a member of VicTESOL throughout 2018/19- we hope this has provided you with opportunities for professional learning, networking and access to information & resources relating to the TESOL sector.  As all 2018/19 memberships will expire today (31 March 2019), we encourage you to renew your membership!

Thank you to members who have already renewed their membership for 2019! VicTESOL appreciates your ongoing support.

Click here to renew your VicTESOL membership!

VicTESOL has recently made some changes to the membership system-
  • Automatic membership renewal is now available.
  • FREE membership for pre-service & recently graduated teachers is now available- click here for details.

Benefits of VicTESOL Membership-

  • Discounted rates to all paid VicTESOL Professional Learning events, including the upcoming VicTESOL Symposium to be held in Melbourne (Monday 19 August 2019).
  • Access to all of VicTESOL’s Member Resources found on our website.
  • Support the ongoing advocacy and development of your local Victorian TESOL/EAL organisation.

If your need to update your membership details before you renew please click here. If you have any further questions please email VicTESOL.

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