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English for Adult Migrants – Future Directions Alison Larkins

Webinar Event – Wednesday 11th November 2020, 7-8pm AEDT

Learn about the Commonwealth Government’s vision for English language provision for adult migrants

Presenter Alison Larkins was appointed in late 2019 as Commonwealth Coordinator-General for Migrant Services. Her role is to work closely within the Commonwealth and State/Territory governments, industry, and the community sector to drive improvements to employment, English language, and broader settlement outcomes, and through this work, to promote the contribution of migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants to Australia.

Experienced AMEP teachers Jakki Cashman (Canberra) and Skye Playsted (Queensland) provided brief responses, followed by audience questions.

Thank you to everyone who attended the forum ‘English for Adult Migrants – Future Directions’ with Alison Larkins.  The response to this event was overwhelming. Registrations closed at our limit of 500 and 374 people attended. Data on registrations and attendees are as follows:

REGISTRATIONS – Teaching Focus

AMEP: 328

AMEP & SEE: 106

SEE: 29

Teacher education: 18

Training to teach TESOL: 34

Other (with no other ID): 82

Note: some people listed more than 1 focus.

ATTENDEES – Locations

Which state/territory are you joining this webinar from today?

Are you based in a regional or metropolitan area?

If you attended the event, please click here to complete the evaluation survey.

Alison Larkins

Commonwealth Coordinator-General for Migrant Services, Department of Home Affairs

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