
Special Meeting: Ratification of Revised VicTESOL Constitution

The VicTESOL committee is inviting members to participate in the ratification of the revised VicTESOL constitution.

VicTESOL has undertaken a review of the constitution, assisted by an expert legal team from Clayton Utz.

The conversation started last year when we became aware that the current constitution was no longer fit for purpose and needed to be refreshed to reflect the Model Rules for Incorporated Associations, under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.

The legal team at Clayton Utz prepared a brief of advice, taking into account the legal requirements and the practical operations of VicTESOL. They developed a draft constitution, based on the Model Rules, as well as a document showing the differences between the existing and proposed constitutions.

VicTESOL is holding a meeting to ratify the draft constitution, to be held via Zoom at 7pm on 14th October 2020. Click here to register to attend this meeting.

The Committee urges all interested members to attend on 14th October to discuss and vote on the proposed model. If you are unable to zoom in please read the documents below and provide written feedback to VicTESOL.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Proposed new rules:

Download (PDF, 276KB)

Summary of differences against exisiting constitution:

Download (PDF, 94KB)