“Eye-opening”: How we can use multimodal texts with school staff to support more inclusive school and classroom narratives
“Eye-opening”: How we can use multimodal texts with school staff to support more inclusive school and classroom narratives
September 5 from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
In this professional learning session, Ms April Edwards, a Teaching Specialist in English and Literacy Education at the University of Melbourne, led an online session on the role of multimodal texts in promoting inclusivity within schools. This session delved into plurilingualism and multilingual teaching approaches that benefit EAL/D (English as an Additional Language and dialect) students. Key concepts discussed include “Language Interdependence Hypothesis,” which highlights the interconnected nature of students’ language learning across their linguistic repertoires.
This session inspired participating EAL teachers by validating multilingualism, encouraging pride in students’ home languages, and offering practical strategies such as language timelines to incorporate students’ diverse linguistic backgrounds into lessons. It also showcased the impact of recognizing students’ language skills, prompting teachers to reflect on and enhance their own language-inclusive practices.
Attendees were grateful for the learning opportunity and were given the chance to share their own personal and professional experiences.
VicTESOL would like to thank April for generously sharing her knowledge and experience and for her valuable contribution to the VicTESOL professional learning community.
ry to come