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Using the Foundation to Level 6 Literacy Teaching Toolkit to support EAL learners

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Yan Yao Choong, Department of Education and Training

Wednesday 12 August, 4:00-5:00pm



The Literacy Teaching Toolkit provides practical advice and high impact teaching practices to improve student outcomes in reading, writing and speaking and listening. In 2019, the Foundation to Level 6 Literacy Teaching Toolkit (F-6 Toolkit) was updated to include specific strategies to differentiate for EAL learners.

This webinar introduced the EAL content incorporated in the F-6 Toolkit and how it may be used to support EAL learners. The session was aimed at primary school teachers.

Yan Yao Choong is a Senior Project Officer at the Department of Education and Training (the Department) with ten years of TESOL teaching experience. She has taught English in Korea and tutored EAL students at VCE level. She has worked in Western English Language School and Blackburn English Language School teaching primary-aged migrant and refugee students. Yan Yao was a Primary Curriculum Coordinator at Blackburn English Language School before joining the Department in 2018. She now works to support teachers of EAL learners in conjunction with other areas in the Department.