2024 VicTESOL Symposium – Panel Discussion

18 November 2024, 4:30pm – 5:30pm


This panel was held in response to symposium keynote address by Melanie Baak, Refugee education in Australia: what helps, what hinders and what needs to change. The Pannel was facilitated by Victesol committee member, April Edwards. Pannel members from a range of settings including school leadership and refugee support services discuss their experiences of working with students from a refugee background. This included the teaching of English as Additional Language, creating welcoming and inclusive social environments, supporting pathways and supporting wellbeing. The Pannel discussed ways schools can be culturally responsive and importance of supporting wellbeing and being aware of challenges faced within the settlement process and establishment of new lives and identities.


Sarah Cunningham has been employed with CatholicCare Victoria since 2020, coordinating a Job Readiness Program for refugee youth and their mothers in Geelong’s Northern Suburbs.

Debra Gibson is the Principal of Doveton College – a vibrant learning community comprising an Early Learning Centre for children 0-5 years of age, school for Foundation to Year 9 and a range of adult learning classes.

Christine Bakopanos is a Counsellor-Advocate Senior Practitioner at The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture- known as Foundation House. Foundation House provides a range of services to people from refugee and asylum-seeker backgrounds who have survived torture or war related trauma.

Houda El Kheir has been working as a Multicultural Education Aide at Meadows Primary School, in Melbourne’s north for the last 5 years. She works closely with teachers, the principal and the wellbeing team in supporting newly arrived and refugee families to navigate the Australian schooling system.
