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EAL Framework 101 Session 3: Teaching a Unit (Adult sector)



EAL Framework 101 Session 3: Teaching a Unit (Adult sector)

September 14 from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm, Virtual Event
On 14 September another successful EAL Framework 101 session was held with approximately 300 adult sector EAL teachers from across Australia zooming in to hear teachers from Victoria share their knowledge.
Anita Cameron provided a refresher session on good practice adult sector TESOL, engaging the audience to share what they do in their practice. Suzanne Gatz and Harleen Pala shared how they unpacked and designed delivery for a low-level speaking unit and Mary La Riccia shared how she and her colleagues collaborate to design formative tasks that map to a reading and writing unit from Cert III in the curriculum.
The quote of the evening was from Harleen, reminding us to always go back to the curriculum to guide our teaching – “The devil is in the detail but importantly the level is the detail”.
This session showed attendees how to incorporate the detail that exists in the curriculum into meaningful learning experiences for adult learners through “foraging, adapting and creating” resources.
Attendees really appreciated the speakers’ willingness to share.


Anita Cameron Presentation and Padlet 

Download (PDF, 592KB)

Suzanne Gatz and Harleen Pala Presentation and Resources

Download (PDF, 1.77MB)

Download (DOCX, 100KB)

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Mary La Riccia Presentation and Resources

Download (PDF, 788KB)

Download (PDF, 748KB)

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