Unit 3 and Unit 4 Exams
March 12 from 4:00-5:00 pm


In this succinct presentation, Kellie Heintz from the VCAA clearly outlines all 3 sections of the VCE EAL exam through an exploration of the links between the Study Design, the examination tasks themselves and how key skills and knowledge are developed and assessed through in class activities and more formal school-based assessment. She identified key differences from the previous Study Design with regards to final exam questions for each of Sections A, B and C and the role that scaffolded, collaborative formal and informal assessment tasks focussed on specific speaking, reading and viewing, writing and listening skills can and should be explored.

This presentation is a must watch for all English and EAL teachers working not only across Units 3 & 4 as it offers explicit connections between the social elements of teaching and learning, the macro skills and how they can be tied to formal and informal assessment practices.



Link to Exam Specifications, and Sample Exam Papers

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VCE – New study design in 2024

August 1 from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Online Webinar


The VCE English/EAL New Study Design 2024 session was attended by people across sectors and was very well received. Kellie Heintz provided an extremely detailed presentation moving through each outcome for Units 3 and 4, highlighting the differences between the old and new curriculum as it is to be implemented in 2024. She offered not only possible resources to support us, and a range of ways to approach some key aspects of outcomes but also a wonderful scope of teacher and student agency in the teaching and learning opportunities, especially in relation to the new Outcome, Creating texts. It is an exciting new Study Design and very much worth watching for ideas and resources not only for VCE but in 7-10 also! A must see for new and experienced English and EAL teachers.




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Links to Youtube clips for EAL

 Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Go, Went, Gone by Jenny Erpenbeck

Flames by Robbie Arnott

We Have always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Commentary & analysis

Rainbow’s End by Jane Harrison

Open Plan Classrooms

Using Chat GPT to support EAL teaching and planning

Introducing a new series of three videos from VicTESOL on using Chat GPT to support EAL teaching and planning. Join us as we explore how to use Chat GPT to create a range of educational materials that are tailored to the needs of EAL learners. In these videos, we will show you how to create a worksheet, a differentiated model text, and a science unit for EAL learners on the topic of climate change. Watch and learn as we demonstrate how Chat GPT can help you to provide engaging and effective learning experiences for your EAL students.

Please note the above description was generated by Chat GPT!

Using Chat GPT to create a worksheet

Using Chat GPT to create a differentiated model text

Using Chat GPT To create a unit of work

Meet the Assessors Online Jenna Gomes and Michael E Daniel 2 March 2023 from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Summary In this online event, Assistant Chief Assessors Jenna Gomes and…

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Copy of Presentation

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A wonderfully thorough and informative presentation about the changes to the new English/EAL Study Design was offered by Kellie Heintz from the EAL Division of the VCAA.

She began with an important reminder of the eligibility criteria and Special Circumstances that determine whether students can be assessed in Units 3 & 4 before elaborating how the consultation process undertaken in 2021 together with key EAL principles informed the new Study Design. Many fundamental curricular and assessment differences for EAL students were higlighted, especially around the new Outcomes such as the Personal Response and Writing outcomes as a means to elevate student voice and agency. The role and types of mentor texts were considered as means to explore ideas and Kellie offered wonderful examples of how to plan for use of the Frameworks to inspire future planning. A fantastic resource overall that supports both EAL and English teachers in implementation of Units 1 & 2 in 2023.

Note: A complementary presentation that builds on this presentation and links to assessment will appear later in the year. Also, further VCAA resources relating to the Study can also be viewed below.

VCAA Resources

Click here to view on demand videos relating to VCE English and English as an Additional Language (EAL)

The VCAA Chief Assessor for VCE EAL, Glynis Rose, and Assistant Chief Assessors, Rosemary McLoughlin, Jenna Gomes and Michael E Daniel, presented an overview of the 2021 VCE EAL exam….

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https://youtu.be/UJ1upapjqXM Thursday November 18, 4-5pm Online Panel Discussion What does effective assessment look like? How do we give feedback that shows students their strengths and assists them to improve? How…

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Glynis Rose & Rosemary McLoughlin Tuesday 16 February 2021, 4-5:30pm, Online event In this session, Glynis and Rosemary provided feedback on student performance in the 2020 VCE EAL exam, including…

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Stephanie Georgiou & Maddy Oh Tuesday 9 February, 4-5:30 pm Online Event Presenters: Stephanie Georgiou has more than 18 years of experience in teaching EAL. She has worked in the…

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