Effective implementation of translanguaging pedagogy in TESOL classrooms

Dr Kelly Shoecraft

Thursday, 9 March 2023 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm


Dr Kelly Shoecraft’s inspiring presentation encouraged us to reframe our ideas around language. She focused on the removal, or softening, of strict boundaries between languages and emphasised fun, fluidity, play and experimentation. Kelly drew on a wealth of professional experience and knowledge as an applied linguist, lecturer and TESOL educator, as well as her own personal experiences of language acquisition and living abroad. Kelly encouraged us to empower students by ‘building bridges’ between languages and positioned plurilingualism as a ‘superpower’. She gave us a range of practical examples of how we can employ plurilingual strategies in the classroom to draw on learners’ existing resources and help students develop their social and linguistic capital.



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Meet the Assessors Online Jenna Gomes and Michael E Daniel 2 March 2023 from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Summary In this online event, Assistant Chief Assessors Jenna Gomes and…

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EAL Writing Strategies in a Primary Setting
Prachi Patkar and Selva Jayaram

22 February 2023 from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Prachi Patkar and Selve Jayaram shared a wealth of knowledge and insight into strategies that can be implemented within the learning environment to support the language development of EAL/D learners. This professional learning session focussed on EAL writing strategies in a primary setting. Prachi and Selve presented a range of effective EAL strategies to encourage and develop expression, understanding and analysis within language learning. The presenters emphasised the value and importance of investing in the development of writing skills to enrich and enhance a learner’s ability to engage with language deeply and effectively within the classroom. A balance of both theoretical understanding and practical strategies equipped the audience with a rich understanding of approaches to the teaching and learning process to support primary EAL/D learners to succeed and progress with their writing and to meet the linguistic demands of their classroom.



Prachi Presentation

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Selva Presentation

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The (adult) EAL Framework curriculum will be reaccredited from 1 January 2024. The EAL Framework reaccreditation Project Steering Committee (the Committee) has been established by the curriculum owner to support the reaccreditation process and will confirm the course content is appropriate and meets the required outcomes. The Department of Home Affairs is represented on the Committee along with industry representatives, RTOs and curriculum experts.
Over the coming months the Committee is seeking feedback on the draft content. To facilitate this process the Department has enlisted support from LWA to seek and compile provider feedback through Survey Monkey. LWA is currently searching for feedback on draft units for:-

  • Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)
  • Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)

Feedback for this tranche should be provided by COB Tuesday, 28 February 2023 via the online survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HTJPRT5
Any additional feedback can be emailed to info@lwa.net.au

If you have any queries regarding the above or below attachments, or you have any issues completing the online survey, please do not hesitate to email info@lwa.net.au

Draft Units

Download (ZIP, 5.98MB)

The (adult) EAL Framework curriculum will be reaccredited from 1 January 2024. The EAL Framework reaccreditation Project Steering Committee (the Committee) has been established by the curriculum owner to support the reaccreditation process and will confirm the course content is appropriate and meets the required outcomes. The Department of Home Affairs is represented on the Committee along with industry representatives, RTOs and curriculum experts.
Over the coming months the Committee is seeking feedback on the draft content. To facilitate this process the Department has enlisted support from LWA to seek and compile provider feedback through Survey Monkey. LWA is currently searching for feedback on draft units for:-

  • Certificate II in EAL (Employment)
  • Certificate III in EAL(Employment)
  • Certificate IV in EAL (Employment/Professional)

Feedback for this tranche should be provided by COB Tuesday, 14 February 2023 via the online survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KJWS75F
Any additional feedback can be emailed to info@lwa.net.au

If you have any queries regarding the above or below attachments, or you have any issues completing the online survey, please do not hesitate to email info@lwa.net.au

Draft Units

Download (ZIP, 6.5MB)

The (adult) EAL Framework curriculum will be reaccredited from 1 January 2024. The EAL Framework reaccreditation Project Steering Committee (the Committee) has been established by the curriculum owner to support the reaccreditation process and will confirm the course content is appropriate and meets the required outcomes. The Department of Home Affairs is represented on the Committee along with industry representatives, RTOs and curriculum experts.
Over the coming months the Committee is seeking feedback on the draft content. To facilitate this process the Department has enlisted support from LWA to seek and compile provider feedback through Survey Monkey. LWA is currently searching for feedback on draft units for:-

  • Certificate II in EAL (Access)
  • Certificate III in EAL(Access) (please note new unit VUXX74 Investigate Australian Identity)
  • Certificate IV in EAL (Access

Feedback for this tranche should be provided by COB Tuesday, 31 January 2023 via the online survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7LY38BW
Any additional feedback can be emailed to info@lwa.net.au

If you have any queries regarding the above or below attachments, or you have any issues completing the online survey, please do not hesitate to email info@lwa.net.au

Certificate II in EAL (Access)

Download (ZIP, 4.89MB)

Certificate III in EAL(Access) (please note new unit VUXX74 Investigate Australian Identity)

Download (ZIP, 5.4MB)

Certificate IV in EAL (Access

Download (ZIP, 4.89MB)

The new VCE English and EAL study design
Kellie Heintz

December 6 from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Kellie Heintz, as the EAL Curriculum Manager of the VCAA, presented a clear and insightful presentation on the flexibility of Units 1 and 2, building on earlier presentations around the new English/EAL Study Design. She offered a specific focus on Unit 1, Outcome 1 – Personal response – and how this outcome allows students to explore identity and the self in relation to the text of study through inferences they make around key ideas or events. For Unit 1, Outcome 2 – Crafting Texts she reminded us of the role of the mentor texts to introduce ideas. She provided multiple examples of mentor texts and ideas around the types of written texts students can create. Of note, she drew our attention back to the role of VCE teachers as having significant agency in Units 1 & 2 – that we can make decisions around offering a broad range of assessment opportunities that scaffold EAL students whilst developing their voice through writing, speaking and listening.

The presentation revealed the significant work Kellie and the VCAA have invested in listening to EAL students and teachers in the new design of these outcomes. A wonderfully clear and insightful session that supported planning for both VCE English and EAL teachers.



Download (PDF, 3.1MB)

The following resources may be of assistance in your planning

The VCAA EAL website
Teaching and Learning
On Demand Videos